Saturday, December 5, 2009

Dhiren & The Wiggles.

after swimming.

Dhiren's shocked look cause he can watch The Wiggles in the car.
His mum fixed a tv in the car.
so cutee :)
Jst got bck from KL yesterday night.
I miss Dhiren sooo much.


-The Wiggles.

-Waking up late and lazing around.
-Late night suppers with Sushil Mama.
-Sleeping late while watching Sushil mama drink his beers before he has dinner at 12 or 1 a.m.
-Looking for nursery rymes on youtube for Dhiren.
-Play Your Guitar With Murray, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Rock A Bye Your Bear, Small People, Say Hello and lots more.
-The way Dhiren holds me when he pee in his napkin.
-The look Dhiren gives when his napkin falls. haha.
-Dhiren's cheeky look.
-When Dhiren pretends to choke or cough.
-Dhiren's screaming match.
-Dhiren's elmo.
-Dhiren's sleeping outfit. so cute.
-Watching him play in the bathtube.
-The cheeky look Dhiren gives when he wakes up.
-When he wants us to take him go Kai Kai.
-Everytime I'm thirsty, I jst need to open the fridge and there'll be cokes, shandys,beers....
-Feeding Dhiren his cheesesticks.
-Burger king, Subway and McD.

I miss everything. Holiday in KL. DHIREN...

Dhiren, jujubee, bubu, bebe, baby, dd, baby d,
LUKE DHIREN KUMAR LIM VASUDEVAN, I miss you sooo much. :(

I can't upload th other pics yet. I lost the camera cable.

1 comment:

baby sotong ❤ said...

Dhiren looks really cute .